(a brief history)
At the request of the New Zealand Billiards and Snooker Association the referees were asked to set up a Council to organise and administer all matters pertaining to referees.This was to be an autonomous body affiliated to the NZBSA.
The inaugural meeting was held in Wanganui on the 29th January 1994.
The meeting adopted a constitution and elected it's first council members (to be confirmed at the next AGM).President: Lloyd Lawrence (HB)Councillors: Reg Gould (AK), Charlie Nicholson (AK), Chris Anderson (WAI), Cliff Hazelton (WAI), Eric Flower (HB), Brien Bennett (TAR) Executive Director: Noel Moulday (WAN)
Some of the objects of the council will be to obtain a uniform standard of refereeing, upgrade the examination process, reassess the system used for the upgrading of referees, and hopefully in future financially assist referees to attent tournaments where funds are available.
As an aside in March the same year, the first ever Oceania Championhsip was held in Pukekohe. Countries attending were Australia, Fiji, and New Zealand. The winner of the Snooker was Steve Robertson (NZ) who defeated Les Higgens (Aus) 5-2.
WHY NOT BECOME A MEMBER? If you have thought about increasing your knowledge of our games of Billiards and Snooker the Association is only too happy to assist you.
Every two months a small publication, named BULLETIN is produced and this is sent to all our Members whether they be an active Member, or an Associate member. (This includes individuals , or Clubs who put the Bulletin on their notice board for Members to peruse).
Included are articles of interest to all Billiards and Snooker players and supporters , and queries or articles on Billiards and Snooker are welcomed from Members.
A small charge for the Bulletin is made - Active Members pay $20.00 per year, and Associates pay $10.00 per year. Further information on becoming an active Referee is always available on request - all Players who wish to represent NZ in International Tournaments must have passed the Association's Grade 3 exam and this is a requirement from the NZBSA, to whom the Referees' Association is affiliated.
Please contact
Malcolm Barton @ malkyb93@gmail.com
021661947 or 04 2988438
Copyright @ New Zealand Billiards & Snooker Association (NZBSA).
All rights reserved.
All enquiries are directed through NZBSA.
Email: nzbsa@gmail.com
If you wish to contact one of the Board members direct please go to our Office Bearers where you will find a list of the Board members.